Yet another site addedI've gotten

Yet another site added
I've gotten kind of slow adding sites to my blogrolling list. These days I usually only add sites that I stumble upon that make me wow 'oooo' for one reason or another. Sometimes it is the design of it, sometimes it is the person's writing, sometimes it a combination of both. The one added today is a life uncommon. It's a pretty cool site. The owner is also a fellow lomo-ite and has a lomolog, something that I've actually thought about doing, but am basicly too lazy to do. (The digital camera is easy, I just pull the card out of the camera and slip it into the reader. It's not like I have to go someplace and get pictures developed!)

(link fixed now)


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on December 17, 2001 4:11 PM.

Where I workI blew away was the previous entry in this blog.

Updated LungsI've converted my lung is the next entry in this blog.

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