Some new picsI've been taking

Some new pics
I've been taking some more pictures here and there. I do carry my camera around a lot these days, but usually forget that I have it. I've also been thinking a bit more about how to manage the photos on my site. I really like how Dawn of journal of does her lomolog. Last time I mentioned wanting to find some way to present them online I got some great suggestions, but none of them quite fit what I am trying to do. The Lomolog comes close though.

[My New Desk][My local sushi joint]

We moved to the other side of the building this week and I got to go back to my old desk. Here it is before it starts to get insanely cluttered. I also snapped a picture of my local sushi place. Well, one of many local sushi places, but this is the one that is very close to my house (and that has a very yummy spicy scallop roll). I seem to stop in here around once every other week these days.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on January 24, 2002 12:43 PM.

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