Friday Five (on Saturday) - TV PARTY TONIGHT!

I didn't get around to it yesterday, so here's my answers to the Friday Five this week:

  1. What's your favorite TV show and why? Farscape. I love sci-fi shows and I think Farscape is one of the best written and produced ones ever. Last night's episode was stunning.

  2. Who is your favorite television star? Hmm. That's a good question. I don't know that I could narrow it down to just one.

  3. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Oh. I remember a few I loved (though they probably sucked and I'd hate them these days). Let's go for something wacky like 'Voyagers'.

  4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by name? Any of the various 'reality tv' type shows. Fear Factor would be a good first choice.

  5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season? I haven't really been watching any new shows except Enterprise. And I don't really care that much about it, but I guess I would rather it stick around for another season.

You can find the Friday Five at


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