I want a new drug

When you go onto the lung transplant waiting list they start watching your overall health fairly carefully (Actually, this is probably true for any transplant). One thing they've found is that people tend to lose a lot of bone density right after transplant. I think the number I remember hearing was as much as 50%. As a result, one of the tests you get when being evaluated is a bone density scan. When I first had it done, my bone density was just fine. Since I am on prednisone, the doctor I went to had scheduled a second appointement a year later so that she could see how I was doing (long term prednisone use can affect bone density). We found that my bone density had dropped 2%. Which was higher then it should have been. As a result I'd been perscribed a drug called Actonel. It's an osteoperosis drug to help prevent bone density loss.

So, this morning I started in on a new drug. Luckily I only have to take it once a week, because it's kind of a pain. I have to take it when I've first woken up, with 6-8 oz of water, and remain upright for at least 30 minutes afterwards. I also shouldn't eat for at least 30 minutes so that it gets absorbed completely.


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