
I've been thinking a bit about this blog lately. I seem to go through periods where I look at it and wonder what I'm trying to do with it. In the end it really is a bunch of random snapshots of my life and thoughts from it, but I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't have more focus.

As much as I don't care if people view this or not I keep finding myself editing a lot of what I say. Maybe I should change that to "As much as I SAY I don't care...". On the other hand it is cool to find out that people I know come by here to see what I have to say or to see what interesting links I've found.

There isn't much reason for this post, I just felt the need to ramble a bit. I think it's the rainy weather having its usual effect on me (making me all grouchy).


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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on April 28, 2002 9:44 PM.

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