Musical Growth

One of my goals lately has been to find out more about Jazz. I've always liked listening to Jazz, but never really listened to it seriously enough to know what I was listening to. One of the local public stations here usually has Jazz playing at night, so I'd hear it in the car if I was driving it around. There was just always something warm and comfortable about it. So now I'm slowly starting to dig into what there is, since it seems like there is SO MUCH.

Anyone have anything they'd like to recommend? I went through and listened to a bunch of samples of things on Amazon and added a bunch of things that sounded interesting to my wish list there. I figure I can add a CD here and there to my orders. I kind of feel like when I was taking my first steps into being a DJ. I'd walk into the record store and just stare at all the records. Then, slowly, as I'd listen to more and more I was able to figure out what kinds of tracks resonated with me the most. It's a fun learning experience.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on June 1, 2002 7:05 AM.

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