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July 10, 2002

Control your identity

Jon Udell has a great article over on O'Reilly Network. Here's a snippet of what it is about:

Control your identity, or Microsoft and Intel will. We can choose accountability, or we can let the unholy alliance of Hollywood, Microsoft, Intel, and the government choose for us. The alliance, cleverly, pretends to solve problems that really annoy us, like spam and email worms. But these violations of trust won't yield simply to trusted motherboards and operating systems. People have to assert (and prove) their claims of trustworthiness, and other people have to make judgments about those assertions. The PKI technologies haven't yet perfected the art of binding real identities to virtual ones, but that's just what will be needed on top of TCPA/Palladium in order to deliver the benefits that people actually want.  [full story at O'Reilly Network] ... [Jon's Radio]

I'm definitely going to look into following the steps he outlines. Btw, O'Reilly gets a big BOO HISS for their ad placement on the second page. It starts out: Once enrolled, you can create one or more digital IDs. That process goes like this: and then there's a bigass ad, THEN the steps listing the process. I'm sorry, I can understand needing to run ads to help support the site, but it really breaks the flow of the article the way it is.

Posted by snooze at July 10, 2002 4:30 AM