I even got it done on Friday this time around.
- How long have you had a weblog? Since 3/8/2001. I even remarked on it here when it was a year.What was your first post about? It was about starting a weblog.How many changes (name, location, etc.) of your weblog have there been, if more than one? I actually had tried to do one by hand prior to this current one, but it kept being a hassle to deal with. In the end I realized how much easier it was to use a tool like Blogger or Radio.What CMS (content management system) do you use? Do you like it or do you want to try something else? Currently I am a happy user of Radio. Before that I was using Blogger. I like both of them, but I really like Radio currently. It's certainly more powerful then I may need and is immensely configurable. I've also used MT a lot at work for stuff and think it's quite good.Do you read people who have both a journal and a weblog? Or do you prefer to read people who have all of their writing in one central place? I kind of equate weblogs and journals, since I know a lot of people other people who blur the lines between them also. I consider them all to be various kinds of weblogs.