Galaxy Angel

I'm almost done with the first season of Galaxy Angel. What a wacky show. It's another one of those shows in the 15 minute format. This one is about a group of women/girls who are looking for lost technology. But it rarely seems to focus on that. It's much more cartoonish then a lot of things I've watched. And I think for the most part it works, though there are some episodes that I definitely didn't quite get the joke. The best episode is one that has to do with them helping out a pizza delivery service (Mint Rules!).

I think I heard that this show was picked up on DVD over here. While I find it funny, I continually get the feeling that there are a lot of jokes that I might get more if I were from Japan. It's always interesting seeing how they translate things like that. Anyways, I give the series a thumbs up overall and it's placed on my 'pick up on DVD if/when it's released over here' list.


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