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October 15, 2002

Browser Experiment

I grabbed a program called Chimera Knight the other day. It is a program that will automaticly fetch the latest build of Chimera every night. Chimera is a Cocoa web browser for OS X that uses the Gecko rendering engine. For a long time it has been really flakey, but I've been hearing that the current betas are pretty stable. As a result I thought I'd give it a try for a week.

So far this browser is amazing. It is definitely still pre-1.0 software, but it hasn't crashed on me yet (knock on wood). It is one of the faster browsers that I've used for OS X so I'm really hoping they keep up the good work. It also seems to work just fine with Radio, which is a plus.

Posted by snooze at October 15, 2002 1:53 PM