Make your own commentary

I heard about this on NPR's On The Media a few weeks ago and thought it sounded pretty cool. I actually forgot about it until tonight when we were talking about DVD commentaries online. DVD Tracks is a site where people post their own commentaries for DVDs.

DVD Tracks was inspired by Roger Ebert's column You, Too, Can Be a DVD Movie Critic in Yahoo! Internet Life in February of 2002. In that column, Ebert says that he would like to hear what people who aren't being paid by the movie-makers think about movies. He recommends taking the "alternate audio tracks" on DVDs one step further.

That's where DVD Tracks began. DVD Tracks is a gathering point for alternate movie tracks from anybody.

The idea is that you start up the movie, and start up the comment track at the same time (they're mp3s). Then you can hear what someone else thought about the movie you are watching. It's a kind of neat idea, almost like blogging a movie. I just don't think I could do a commentary for a whole movie. I would probably get bored halfway through or annoyed with my inane comments.


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