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February 3, 2003

Bye to Safari for now

I used Safari for a bit these last few weeks. And while it is pretty cool, it just didn't work well enough for me to use it full time. There were lots of weird quirks and I just finally got sick of it and have gone back to using Chimera full time.

I also have found that not having tabs was making it a lot harder to keep track of things. I tend to have multiple browser windows, but use tabs to keep "in theme". For instance. If I'm searching for something in Google I open up a window and do a search, then I open up the windows from that search in different tabs. I find it makes it much easier to work with.

The one thing Chimera needs is support for the use of the emacs keys within textarea fields.

Posted by snooze at February 3, 2003 9:07 PM