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February 3, 2003

People are idiots

This morning I had to run out and get a new parking permit, since I'd spaced on it (my old one expired Saturday). When I got to the parking office there were all the other slackers like me who'd spaced it waiting in line and I was dreading having to wait. Luckily the line went pretty fast since more than half of the people there didn't have the proper identification to get a parking permit.

This is what amazes me. They have these huge signs all down the hall leading to the cashier's office stating that in order to get a permit you need your registration and a current utility bill (listing which ones are acceptable) or two pieces of mail addressed to you (in both cases it has to be from within the last 30 days). I watched person after person walk up and then be turned away because they didn't have it. And what was even more stunning was that they seemed genuinely surprised. I'm sure one or two of the people were trying to get a permit they weren't supposed to have, but the rest of them just seemed clueless.

Posted by snooze at February 3, 2003 6:34 PM