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February 5, 2003

The mass DJ migration

Tonight, benny blanco gives his last Boston performance as a resident of this fine city (see my post from yesterday on where it is, everyone should come on out!). In the past few months I've seen a number of Boston DJs move away. Many of them are DJs I saw a lot when I first moved here five years ago. I hadn't really noticed how many had moved away until recently. Having my own night I've keep trying to find people to spin and half the people I think of no longer live here. It also makes me realize I don't know who is still around. Or even what the new names and faces are in the Boston DJ scene. It feels a bit like the end of an era.

At the same time it's kind of exciting. I can't wait to see who fills the spaces left by these DJs. Some new blood into the community probably wouldn't be a bad thing. Once Boston goes non-smoking I'll have to get out more and see who is out there. Anyone got any up and coming Boston DJs to recommend?

Posted by snooze at February 5, 2003 5:29 PM