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February 6, 2003

Adding in comments to my RSS feed

This morning I was kind of struggling with how to add in comments to my RSS feed. Radio has its own built in comment system, but I like mine a little bit more (and have plans to extend it a little bit in the near future). One neat thing about RSS 2.0 is that there is an element in <item> called <comments>. With an RSS aggregator that supports commenets you should be able to link to the comments right from the aggregator.

After digging around some, I ran into a page on How to extend Radio's RSS generator. From that I came up with the following bit of code for user.radio.callbacks.writeRssItemElement:

on radioWeblogPost (adrtable, adrpost) {

adrtable^.["comments"] =


+ number (nameof (adrpost^))}

So now I just need to run a few more tests, but I think it should work.

Updated: D'oh, you'd think I know which directions the slashes should go by now.

Posted by snooze at February 6, 2003 8:39 PM