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February 6, 2003

Cranky at Radio

This morning I decided I wanted to put a comment link into my RSS feed. Radio has a built-in comment feature, but that was added long after I had rolled my own. I went into the prefs and turned on comments and gave it the link to my comment system in a way that I thought made sense (and that seemed to fit in with how other things in radio work). Unfortunately, this doesn't work and it looks like I have to dig down into the guts of Radio to make it work (which I really don't want to do). For Radio folks out there (anyone at Userland reading?), is there an acceptable way to go about tweaking the code for RSS? Am I asking for something that's completely insane? help help!

One of the things I like about radio is that you have such great access to the code that runs. And usertalk (the language it is written in) (at least I think that's what it is called) is pretty cool looking. I just wish there were some slightly better overviews of how the whole thing was put together and what it is okay to touch and not touch.

Update: There are ways to do this according to Dave and Jon. I'm just not real experienced with UserTalk to be able to do this. Anyone out there feel like helping? I'd be more than willing to document it after, since I know of at least a few people who use non-Radio comment systems.

Posted by snooze at February 6, 2003 4:26 PM