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February 7, 2003

The Omni Group

OSNews has an interview up with Ken Case, CEO of The Omni Group. Omni produces a lot of really solid software for the OS X. The one they are most known for currently is OmniWeb. I found the first part of it most interesting, where he was asked what he thought of the state of browsers in OS X and Safari. Here's part of his response:

Safari appears to be a great alternative to Internet Explorer as a free web browser which ships with the operating system. It seems to be quite fast, small, and easy to use (much like the new 12" PowerBook), and I'm very glad to see Apple basing their product on standards and open source technologies.

I don't really see Safari as competition to OmniWeb: they're aiming at capturing the entry-level browser user (that currently sticks with the bundled Internet Explorer), while we sell OmniWeb to those who really want the most efficient, powerful browsing experience possible.

This is what I've been saying all along in response to statements that Safari is going to kill off the other browsers out there. With all of Apple's products for OS X they are going for something that does the basics and does it very well. Omniweb lets you configure just about everything to do with the web browser. It's great. If they had a faster rendering engine (and tabs, I love my tabs) they'd be one of the best browsers out there. Currently I rate it down fairly low because it's a little slow for my tastes.

Posted by snooze at February 7, 2003 9:08 AM