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February 8, 2003

Admission of Guilt

Today I did something I never do, I parked in a handicapped space. I don't have my placard yet either. I figured I'd been good for over two years about it and I'd mailed in the application and why not just park there real quick while I ran into a store in Harvard Square. Of course, upon coming out 5 minutes later there was a ticket. I should have know that you just don't do that kind of thing in Harvard Square.

Beyond being irked at myself for doing it, I just found myself generally annoyed at the world. I always tend to look and see if someone parking in a handicapped spot has a placard or license plate for it. You may or may not be amazed to know that at least half of the time the person parking in one of those spots doesn't. And many times they park in such spaces and never get a ticket. It just annoys me to no end that I just had bad timing, am actually someone who will be getting a card and I'm the one who gets a ticket (and it isn't a cheap one either). Fuck.

Okay, whining over. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Posted by snooze at February 8, 2003 8:55 PM