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February 8, 2003

BitTorrent again

"Adam" is talking about BitTorrent again. This time about using it with RSS. This would definitely be a cool way to do things. I'd love to have a small little app that I could use to subscribe to an RSS feed of announcements of new anime digisubs. I could then even have it set up to automaticly download certain things. Maybe based on a search string or a number of different criteria.

The anime digisub world has really grabbed onto the whole BitTorrent thing like mad in the last few weeks. There are numerous sites tracking new downloads as they become available. It's nice, you have things like BitTorrent for the brand new stuff, and then you have things like Direct Connect for anything that's been out for over a week. They each have their strengths in that sense.

One place I'd love to see BitTorrent in place is with software downloads. Wouldn't it be cool if it was an option for downloading large software updates from places like Apple? The download for iPhoto and iMovie took way too long IMHO, maybe I'm just spoiled. But I could see using it for large demos of game software especially, since usually once those come out they are being downloaded like crazy.

Posted by snooze at February 8, 2003 6:15 PM