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February 8, 2003


I just found this great story on Steve Zeller's weblog to do with switching from Windows to OS X. This echos a lot of my feelings I think. For a long time I used to put my nose up at Apple, and I'm definitely I gave it a try two years ago.

Patrick Beard forwarded me this switcher story link with the comment "This guy gets it". If nothing else, I like the way he writes. Funniest quote:

Executives in the PC business use the word "sexy", in such a way that I'm always surprised to discover that their children aren't adopted, and the Mac interface is not "sexy" or sexy, and it would be grotesque to want it to be. It is, in fact, playful, often well over the line into frivolity. It is not businesslike, in precisely the way that nothing should be "businesslike".
[Steve Zellers' Radio Weblog]

Posted by snooze at February 8, 2003 1:43 AM