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February 12, 2003

Reading can be fun!

coverA week or so ago I was using up a gift certificate from "Amazon" and had a few dollars left over so picked up a copy of

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctrow. I'd heard some good buzz about it and it sounded like a pretty cool idea. This morning I was stuck in the doctor's office for a bit and started reading it. Seventy pages later I'm hooked. Enough so that I'm probably gonna curl up in a few and read a bunch more of it.

The book takes the future, people don't use cash for money anymore. Your net worth as a person is determined by your reputation and is counted in someting called Wuffie. The higher your score, the more valuable you are. It's a neat concept. The main character has just moved to Disneyworld to live and gets caught up in what is looking to be a pretty interesting adventure. So far I recommend the book, it's completely sucked me in, but I'll be sure to post an update when I finish.

Oh, and one other cool thing is that Cory has made the book available for download. That's right, the whole book. Personally, I wouldn't mind sampling a bit of a book that way. But the idea of reading around 200 pages on a computer screen leaves me a bit cold. Though, I guess I could print it out. I just like the feel of a book in my hands.

Posted by snooze at February 12, 2003 5:57 PM