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February 23, 2003

What to do with Radio

So I've been thinking about what to do with Radio. I know a few people who run multiple blogs and end up using different tools for each. There are also some very cool features in Radio. I actually really dig the whole upstreaming thing. I like being able to drop something in a folder on my laptop and have it just show up on the web server.

Though, thinking about it now what I really want is something that keeps two folders in sync. So that I can edit or add files on my laptop and they'll feed to the web site. But also, sometimes I need to edit things on the web site and would love those changes sent back to a version of the site on my laptop. Something kinda like rsync (which I guess I COULD use).

Anyway. Back to Radio. I think I'm going to see what interesting uses I can come up with for it, maybe another blog is in the making.

Posted by snooze at February 23, 2003 1:46 PM