The Joy of Disk Repair

Yesterday after upgrading my G3 to OS X 10.2.4 I decided that I should run a disk scan on it. I'd had a problem with my iTunes preferences getting completely lost and I like to run DiskWarrior on my drives around once a month (or every other month). What started as a simple task grew when it started taking quite a while to run. An hour went by, two, and then I looked up and it was looking for overlapped files (aka crosslinked files). I cursed to myself and let it run. 15 hours later it finished up and everything seems to be running just fine, if not a little snappier than before.

I wasn't going to even write about it, but Doc Searls is having hard drive problems too so it was fresh in my mind. He tried Drive 10, which from what I read may or may not have helped some. When I had problems with my firewire drive and needed to fix it I did a bunch of research on disk tools and everything I read said DiskWarrior is the best thing out there. So I don't even bother with anything else and it has treated me very well. This does bring up one gripe for me though. Apple really needs to have a good fsck that comes with OS X.


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