Cleaning Goodness

Today was a day of much cleaning goodness. It was also a day of some wonderful acts of kindness. First, Ethan came over to help me rewire everything under my desk. Now, if you haven't seen my place, imagine a mass of twisty wires all in a mess. Over an hour later and a bunch of wires less (there were more than a few that didn't plug into anything) my desk looks much cleaner than it has in years. Woohoo! Thanks Ethan!

Then, this afternoon around 3 I was napping and someone started ringing my buzzer. When I finally made it to the door it was the UPS guy and he had this HUGE box for me. I scratched my head as I brought it in, wondering what it was. I hadn't ordered anything. I tried to think of what my parents my have gotten me. I open up the box and inside I find a Roomba. After going BUH for a moment I grab the shipping label receipt to see who my savior was and found it to be someone I've known online for ages. So a big huge THANK YOU goes out to Andrew Molitor (If you're gonna do cool things like this you've got to accept the public praise). I'm getting it set up now and it has to charge before I can use it. I'm so excited! Pictures and a notes will be posted in a day or so.

People rule.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on June 4, 2003 4:03 PM.

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