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August 21, 2003

Mac Myths

Computerworld has an interesting article on Mac Myths and IT.

But the truth is that Mac OS has changed quite a bit in the past few years, and today's Apple systems offer a reasonable alternative to Wintel systems for many mainstream uses and are often best-of-breed tools for tasks such as desktop publishing, multimedia and other content creation. OS X, code-named Jaguar, and the recently announced successor called Panther are rock-solid Unix at the core, with Apple's elegant user interface on top. But if you plan on deploying them, you'll need to overcome your preconceptions regarding three myths about the Mac that still linger.[Computerworld]

It really reminded me of how I used to view macs before I got my first TiBook and OS X. Pre-OS X if someone at work someone mentioned a mac they were pretty much laughed at. At the point I was laid off that probably wouldn't have been as true. The issue is that Apple has a lot of negative inertia to overcome. It still does. I still know lots of people who have never sat down and used OS X who will tell me all kinds of reasons Macs suck. And 95% of the time the things they are saying aren't even true anymore. Now, if there was just a way to strap them into a chair and make them use one for a week.

Posted by snooze at August 21, 2003 9:40 PM