BloggerCon Aftershocks

I've been writing a bunch of random thoughts in my outliner about stuff that's been percolating since BloggerCon. There were so many very smart people there and so many ideas flowing around it was almost overwhelming at times. As a result it's taken me a few days to get some of my thoughts in order. The first post will be showing up in about an hour and is some random thoughts about blogging tools in general. Then I'll have another one about passion and egos (that hopefully won't ruffle any feathers).

Disclaimer. I'm writing a lot of this standpoint from someone who is a fairly technical person, but not really a programmer. I'm fairly unix/OS X-centric these days, so while I'm aware of some of the blogging tools for windows I'm not THAT familiar with them. Oh, and I'm lazy, so I like blog tools that let me be lazy.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on October 7, 2003 11:02 AM.

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BloggerCon Aftershocks: Music is the next entry in this blog.

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