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January 23, 2004

A Moment of Silence for Captain Kangaroo

TV's 'Captain Kangaroo,' Bob Keeshan, dead

(CNN) -- Television's Captain Kangaroo, Bob Keeshan, died Friday morning in Vermont, a family friend told CNN.

"Captain Kangaroo," a children's show, featured the walrus-mustached, bowl-haircut Keeshan entertaining youngsters with his gentle, whimsical humor. Among the show's other characters were Bunny Rabbit, Mr. Moose and Mr. Green Jeans (Hugh Brannum).

The show ran on CBS from 1955 to 1985, and then moved to public television for six more years.

Shows were frequently interrupted with silliness, such as hundreds of ping-pong balls dropping from the ceiling or Mr. Moose's knock-knock jokes, but the mainstay was Keeshan, who chatted with Brannum and told stories. [CNN.com]

I remember those ping pong balls. As a little kid, Captain Kangaroo was one of the shows my mom would let me watch. I can still remember all kinds of things about it now. I find it kind of amazing that I can still remember the other shows I watched around then. Shows like Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, and Electric Company (which was still my favorite). I think I'll take some time today to get in touch with my inner child. Maybe I can find a bunch of ping pong balls to dump on someone.

Posted by snooze at January 23, 2004 2:16 PM