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January 27, 2004


(Warning, Greg's venting ahead)

This is looking to be the week from hell (with a few tiny silver linings). The biggest thing I'm looking at is having to give notice to my landlord that I'll be moving. This means that I haven't been able to find a job and am going to have to relocate to CT till I do. To say I'm not thrilled with this is an understatement. I still kind of have a month because I am supposed to give my landlord 30 days notice. So I can cross my fingers that I find something and not have to move to my parent's place.

Then there's car stuff. My registration expires in about five days and I owe a couple hundred that I don't have in parking tickets and I need to get those taken care of first. Anyone wanna buy my Audiotron? I've been looking to sell it anyways. Then I just found out the my pulmonologist never received the handicapped parking application I sent for him to sign. So I've got to get that in the mail. I think the word for me now is overwhlemed.

Oh yes, and it is too damn cold out. It kills me to be outside for more than a few minutes, it is way too dry out.

There are some good things though. I do have a possible consulting gig that would at least help me be not completely broke in the future. And I do have some job stuff I need to keep calling on. So I guess things aren't totally bad.

Phew, got that out of my system. Now I'm off to run some errands and maybe get some comfort food. I'll try and make happier posts later.

Posted by snooze at January 27, 2004 1:21 PM