A Bit of Sad News

I found out today that my old high school is closing one of its campuses. I had heard that something like this was coming for a while, but hearing it officially really threw me for a loop. The campus they are closing is one of my favorite places, even now after all this time. I really loved driving through campus last fall, it is one of those places that still has that 'home' feeling to me. I know that due to financial reasons they have to do this (It's quite expensive to keep two campuses running), but that doesn't seem to make things much easier.

The thing that annoys me about the decision is some of the positive spin they are trying to throw on it. Of the major objectives this says they will be able to achieve I find the first three to be lame. I'm sorry, I didn't feel any kind of skimping of academic excellence with there being two campuses. I think that their ability to continue to provide lots of financial aid is very good though. To me that was always one of the strongest aspects of the school.

I'm wondering what kind of reaction people who went to the Northfield campus before the schools merged will have.

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