Bad Timing and Greg's Stupidity

Thursday was a prime example of my laziness and the bad timing that seems to haunt me endlessly. I had just gotten out of a therapy appointment and was walking back to my car when I noticed it had a boot on it. Ugs. Figures that this happens on one of the coldest days of the week (and year, and so on). Bit of bad timing one. It's 4pm and the cambridge parking office closes at 5pm. Luckily I have my cell phone (with almost no battery left) on me and call a taxi. I'm able to pay just in time and call for a cab back. The problem is I have to walk out to the street to wait for it. Have I mentioned that it was one of the coldest days? Oh yes, and somewhere in this I've lost a glove. I have no idea where, but I know I lost it before I got into the first cab. I'm waiting for about 5 min for a cab and see another one that is empty and flag that down instead. By now I'm half frozen. So after waiting in my car for about 15 minutes playing on my GBA for the guy to come by and remove the boot.

So this is where bad timing part 2 and my stupidity comes in. I really should have payed these parking tickets ages ago, that way it would have been cheaper and I wouldn't have had to deal with the boot on the coldest day of the year. Also, on Monday I am going to be getting a parking permit for the next year, and was planning on paying my tickets then. So I would have been paying them within days anyways. Oh well, maybe this time I'll learn that I should pay parking tickets the moment I get them (but I wouldn't count on it).


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