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March 28, 2004

CSS Wheels

Jeffrey Zeldman's The Daily Report talks about CSS and the hassles of it (and why it is worth it).

Every time I design a site in CSS I hit the same wall where the logic works, the CSS and XHTML validate, and the display is perfect except in Browser X, where it is so bad I need to start over. Every time I hit that wall I curse Browser X and myself and the client and the W3C and Ben and J-Lo, just because. [The Daily Report]

I just ran into this kind of thing earlier this week. I've been working on a web site for someone and there were all kinds of things that just weren't lining up correctly. Both IE and Safari had some neat little glitches I was bumping into. But in the end things worked out. But I certainly spent a lot of time cursing Microsoft and IE. My parents must have thought I was possessed or something.

In the end though, it's just another step towards me writing better HTML and CSS.

Posted by snooze at March 28, 2004 4:12 AM