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May 12, 2004

The Media's View of Buh-LOGGING

Here's a recap of a news segment that appeared on the Chicago FOX news affiliate. I hadn't read pound before, but I like it so far. It's definitely being added into NetNewsWire.

She also a great post about when the reporters came over to film her for the spot on blogging:

So FOX news came to my apartment to interview me and observe me doing bloggery things, like sitting down at my computer. I mean the act of sitting down was carefully recorded. I was instructed to walk across my room and sit down at my computer, and here is where it got complicated.

"Can we see you logging on?" the camera guy said.

"Um, well, I have cable, so it's always on," I told him. My browser window was open on the desktop.

The reporter looked worried. "Can't you... you know," she said. I began to sense they wanted to see something that said AND NOW HERE IS THE INTERNET or THUS WE GO FORTH INTO CYBERSPACE or whatever.

"I could close a browser window and then open it again," I said. They didn't say anything. "I could... put my computer in sleep mode, and then when I sit down the screen comes on... or--"

"Oh yeah. Do that," the reporter said. [pound]

Posted by snooze at May 12, 2004 07:27 PM