So Wrong It Hurts

Over on my LJ friend's list, this post surfaced yesterday about John Kerry and John Edwards, complete with picture.

johnxjohnWhen John reached out across the space between them, he knew he was doing more than symbolizing how their partnership would bridge the gap between the divided halves of America. He was making an overture that could both save him and damn him, but as he took John's rough-skinned palm into his own cool, smooth fingers, he knew he couldn't resist. That touch sparked something in him, something that made him dream of an end to so many cold, lonely long Massachusetts nights, and a beginning to something beautiful and warm in the District of Columbia. The campaign trail had been a rough one, but he needed just one word to give him the promise that he would no longer have to do it alone. He looked into those twinkling eyes and leaned forward, hoping to hear that soft Southern voice tell him, "Yes." Just that one word, and then he could take so much more from those soft lips. [click for more...]

Of course, this post led to the creation of the JohnXJohn community over on LiveJournal. I'm both hopelessly amused and horrified. I will never look at pictures of the two of them the same again.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on July 7, 2004 1:00 PM.

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