I've been meaning to post something about New Orleans and the hurricane for a few days now. For me the big positive news is that my sister is safe. She got out of town Sunday and stayed with friends in FL. Now she's up in the Baton Rouge area and trying to keep busy (she volunteered at the Red Cross the other day). My nephew is with her and doing just fine also. He'll hopefully be attending school up there while they wait for school to be available around his father.
As of right now, she still has a job at the Tulane Medical Center. Though there's been no word about when she might be back at work. Something that's true for just about anyone who works in NO.
It also looks like her apartment may be safe. We can't tell for sure, but it seems to be right on the edge of some flooding. Her apartment is on the first floor, but it is up a number of steps, so I think she's got something like 4 feet before the water would get into her actual apartment. Our fingers are crossed.
Also, via LJ user Tenzil, a really good article over on CNN about The Big Disconnect. Good, but a bit disturbing.