December 2005 Archives

Two Posts in One Day!

And they are quizzes. I should burn for this.

How Gregory should improve for 2006:!

Make a magical wand that eradicates all of your social awkwardness

Take this quiz at

Fly Away

Here's a quiz for today.

The Butterfly
BUTTERFLY - Your daemon may be a butterfly. It is
ironic that the butterfly traditionally
represents the psyche, yet it is one of the
least emotive physical forms that your daemon
can take. It is very hard to tell what a
butterfly is feeling, and perhaps that is why
you feel so comfortable with this form. You
have many, many friends and a beautiful soul,
but you don't like to reveal what your
innermost feelings are. You aren't afraid to be
yourself - you are vibrant and colourful. But
at the same time, you don't like to wear your
heart on your sleeve.

What Is Your Daemon?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dr. Who Christmas Special

Not being able to sleep at 5am this morning, I decided to check out the Dr. Who Christmas Special. Overall I give it a thumbs up. The story felt like a kind of typical regeneration story, with David Tennant making his first real appearance as the Doctor. I think he's going to make a pretty good Doctor overall. I won't discuss any of the content so as not to spoiler people, but I do recommend downloading it if you can (along with the children in need special, which you should watch first if you could).

My Birthday

Who knew my birthdate had no much meaning? I didn't.

Your Birthdate: November 2
You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.
You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.
Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.
Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.

Your strength: Your universal compassion

Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings

Your power color: Mauve

Your power symbol: Butterfly

Your power month: February

The Gizmo Project

Gizmo Project A Free phone for Your Computer

I'd heard of Gizmo a while back, but hadn't had a chance to check it out until today. I've got to say, it's pretty slick. I think it may just replace Skype for me.

For those of you who aren't up on the latest in internet telephone services, Gizmo and Skype are internet telephone services. You can call other users on their services for free, and for a small fee make outgoing calls, and accept incoming calls if you rent a phone number from them. They also have basic IM services built in.

So why do I like Gizmo? It uses open standards and I'm a geek for that kind of stuff. The interface also seems quite nice and it runs on everything (Skype does too). It also offers some features for free that cost money on Skype (like voicemail). So if you are doing the internet telephone thing I highly recommend giving it a try. You can give me a call at gregoryblake.

Merry Pimpmas

Now you too can pimp your nutcracker.


Growing For The Holidays

I'm just starting to really get into the Christmas mood. And I just saw a link to a new GROW puzzle, this one with a Christmas Tree. It was pretty easy though. Enjoy!

Seven Deadly Sins


Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Happy Ears

I've always been a big fan of earmuffs. Hats tend to bug the crap out of me for some reason. So these would be great to have.

Earmuffs/Headphones, Great Idea!

 Gadgets Images Jvchead Pic
Thanks, JVC. These headphone/ear warmers arrived just time for us here on the icy east coast. Stoked with Polartec Wind Pro and Thermolite Active 100 materials to keep you warm, these babies promise good tunes and toasty earlobes. Well, warm earlobes anyhow. The cool cats in NYC are opting for ginormous earphones with earcups that double as muffs. Trouble is, you gotta wear those things around your neck like some wandering nightclub DJ for the rest of the day. These things look like they fold up nicely—although they aren't exactly babe magnets.

Hot stuff [GadgetCandy]

[via Gizmodo]

Inspirit Common

For those of you in western MA, friends of mine have just opened a new store, Inspirit Common.

Inspirit Common

The store is in Hadley on 123 Russell St. (Route 9) and looks really nice. From their web site: Inspirit Common, a mind/body/spirit centre, is an oasis for those journeying along their personal path. The talents of many dedicated friends have been combined to provide an intentional space of community, learning, healing -- and a little shopping -- that honors and complements the many traditions that have inspired our spirit.

If you're in the area you should check it out. Tell them Gregory sent you.

Store pics:
Inspirit Common, Inside the Store Inspirit Common, Inside the Store 2

All I want

One of those LiveJournal things:

Oh Great Cthulhu!

I have been an extremely industrious devotee this year.

In October, I sacrificed [info]nyahnyah to Cthulhu (500 points). In February, I rescued [info]kynn from being sacrificed (-200 points). In April, I made a burnt offering to the Dead Dreamer (100 points). In July, I fed [info]kerrylily to a Shoggoth (250 points). In August, I called down the wrath of Yog-Sothoth upon [info]acadine (65 points). Last week, I wore an Elder Sign (-10 points).

In short, I have been very good (705 points) and deserve the honour of having my body used as a host for one of your servitors.

Your humble and obedient servant,

Submit your own plea to Cthulhu!


Quiz of the moment:

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament
Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

It's the little things

Earlier today I paused midstep as I was jogging up the stairs and thought "Holy Fuck, I just jogged up the stairs. Cool!

Me Smart

Quiz of the moment:

You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!


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