January 2006 Archives

My Nerdiness

I am nerdier than 61% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

For all the Ravers in the Audience

One for all those ravers and former ravers: the top raver flicks of 1999. Courtesy of xaotica.


Organ Donation rules.

 ~Ksazar Pictures Txstarwars

May the force be with you.

Escape from the Hospital

Thursday morning, I went up to Brigham & Womens for a bronchoscopy. They like to do them on me now and then to make sure that everything is all fine with my new lung (one of my breathing tests was a little bit off last time I went into the office). For lung transplant recipients it a fairly regular occurance. In the past year I've had 4 or 5 (already losing count).

This time around my oxygen levels weren't so great after the bronch. It is one of the list of possible side effects of the procedure (along with fun things like them collapsing your lung). So, that combined with a wacky heartbeat (got up to 200 yesterday) earned me a stay in the hospital for a night. At first I thought the worst thing was having to do those three day hospital stays for a steroid pulse. I've now learned that the worst thing is not being prepared to suddenly have to stay in the hospital overnight. Crappy TV, only got CBS (which wasn't all bad, got to watch CSI), felt kinda grumpy, didn't sleep well, etc.

I'm home now, and the good news is: no signs of rejection. Of course that probably means some more strange tests to make sure nothing else is going wrong.

Anime in the News

Yesterday, the New York Times had an article about some of the anime that is currently showing in the US. It's pretty good, though a little bit simplistic. The one thing I liked about it was that it was explaining a little of how these shows are different than the stereotype of what many people think anime is (Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh). The point where I feel the article falls a little flat is in its examples. While I enjoy Naruto, I think Fullmetal Alchemst might have been a better one to go into detail with. My guess is they were went with a show that was on at a watchable time.

It is nice to see some mainstream media coverage of anime that helps to show a bit of why I enjoy the method of storytelling so much.

Video of the Day

A great love song for all the geeks out there.

Grapetastic Tomatoes

Someone online mentioned an odd variety of tomatoes today:

 Images Us Local Products Detail B62120
Black Pearl Tomato
Two different flavors in one tomato!
NEW Burpee Exclusive.
A true treasure, 'Black Pearl' is two different flavors in one cherry tomato. Enjoy right off the vine, but be sure to put a big bowlful in the refrigerator for a special treat. When chilled, 'Black Pearl' has a unique, extra sweet, 'Concord' grape flavor.

Is it a grape or a tomato! Make up your mind!

Bloggers being funny

Mad William Flint posts a link to the Best Blonde Joke Ever after a week and a half of silence.

Doctor Who in America

01 02 01-1 09

It finally happened. Dr. Who will be hitting the airwaves in the US starting in March. Taking up a slot on the SCI FI Channel's Friday lineup. While the SCI FI Channel has done its share of annoying things, this is a great move for them. Even if they were way too slow with it. This is definitely a show to check out. It starts out a little slow, but quickly gathers speed. Almost everyone I've shown it has enjoyed it.

The only downside is that now the season one DVD release has been pushed back till July.

[via rfrancis]

I feel

I feel a mix coming on. Hopefully I'll have something to post within a day or two. It's been much too long. Yesterday i started throwing some records together to play around and before I knew it an hour and a half had passed. I love when that happens.

Japanese Drum Machine

Picture 2

Posted by Accordion Guy, a funky Flash animation called Drum Machine.

QOTD 01/03/2006

William Gibson
"The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet." [via Quotes of the Day]

Happy New Year

Happy New Years to all my friends. 2005 has been quite a rollercoaster and I survived it relatively intact (well, as intact as one can be when gaining a new lung). I'm also glad it is over because I'm ready to start fresh again now.

2005 was all about healing. 2006 will hopefully be about rebuilding. I'm actively pursuing a new job. If I get it, it will mean moving back up to Boston and living on my own. It will really be almost starting out from square one again. It's all kind of scary and exciting.

I don't do resolutions because I never seem to actually get around to them. So instead I'm just saying I'll just keep working to grow stronger and stay healthy.

My Resolution

My resolution for the year:

In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Slap stupid people in the head.

Get your resolution here


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