Greg is literally on the cutting edge of technology as usual. He's been moved to Boston Children's Hospital ICU (where he is the oldest patient) to be hooked up to a state-of-the-art machine called an ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxegenation) that oxegenates blood and cycles it through his system. He may be on this system for several days, but the longer he stays on it, more risks build up, so they're watching him very carefully.

In addition to the ECMO specialists at Children's he's got the constant care of excellent doctors and nurses including his pulmonary surgical team from the Brigham. It took 12 doctors and nurses to move him from one ICU to the other... good thing the buildings are connected. To be safe, they currently have him intebated, sedated and physically paralyzed with medication.

They're still not sure why his system is having such trouble, but at this point, they're treating everything they can in hopes to get him fixed up again. This could be a reaction to the blood transfusion, or rejection, or something else... they're just not certain.

Music can be an amazing healer, so Greg's dad went back home this morning to get Greg's iPod, so he can listen while his body is so deeply under. He's in tough shape, so please continue to send your prayers to him and also to his family who are doing as well as they can be in the circumstances.


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