not much change

Greg's family met again today with the doctors. Although there hasn't been solid improvement, they have found a medication that is stablizing his heart rhythm, but he still having a problem maintaining a steady heart rate. The doctors are encouraged, and will keep adjusting things as long as they keep finding things that work.

Greg is very sick. He won't be able to stay on the ECMO much longer. His lungs are holding, but the doctors are very concerned about infection because his defenses are down from the immunosuppresives they're giving him. The next two days are critical.

Eleanor asked me to extend her thanks to those of you who have been calling and leaving supportive, loving messages for the family. They really appreciate it and know you all understand that now is a very difficult time for them and they often don't have the energy to take many calls, or make a lot of return phone calls, but they feel blessed to have the support of all of you.

Keep the prayers and healing energies flowing. love you greg.


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This page contains a single entry by published on June 2, 2006 6:13 PM.

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