a spoiled generation
or something of the like ^_^
animedom and anime fandom has certainly changed a lot over
the last few years, especially in terms of fansubs -now digisubs-
and the sheer massively growing amount of available anime. and
there looks to be no end, of which i am glad :3
watching the digisub tapes greg has sent me reminds me of
my roots, of crowding around a tv with other otaku, hanging on every
5th gen fuzzy illegible sub. franticly fastforwarding to the next
episode cause damned if every episode didn't end with a cliff-hanger O_o
how each tape was coveted, especially the 1st-2nd gen tapes,
and where fansubs were a painstaking art-form of ultimate fandom
(and too much time on one's hands ^_- )
now we have digisubs. as long as they respect the same rules the
classic vhs fansubs and fansubbers did, then it's ok. but digisubs
are dangerous in that they are much more accesible and prone to
continuance and spreading after a series is liscenced. i'll buy the dvd
as soon as it comes out, fansubs or no, but some won't. and that is sad -.-
truly, i pity ye fool who raves over the latest digisub they downloaded,
but won't fork over a cent to buy the copyrighted liscenced dvd of it,
whether it be r1 or r2.
and what happened to spending hours, days, any resource possible
to rake in whatever news, tidbits, spoilage, info, background on your
latest anime obsessions and passions. now it's askaskask so you don't
have to find out on your own. for me, at least, anime is a very personal
passion which i enjoy on a most private/intimate level, but also that i like
to share with others so long as they respect that privacy/intimacy.
while i don't mind looking for and asking for insight on an anime, part of
the burning passion and love comes from that special something which
can't be quite put into words, you just feel it here ~points~ in your heart.
questions are ok, but i'm not going to provide all the answers. life
and anime isn't that easy; you gotta find some on your own :)
and what happened to the classics. yes, there is a lot of great anime
coming out today, along with the usual average and the usual shlock.
demo, i want some of those truly great classics on dvd too, especially
r1 dvd. that's one gripe i have with r1 companies is that they are truly
passing over some stellar timeless older anime just because it is older.
bah! age doesn't mean anything when it's g00d.
they call them Classics for a reason ^_^
Posted by k-chan at December 22, 2002 01:24 AM
Even of the new shows I'm starting to wonder if they are being too ambitious with licensing. There have been some great shows coming out, but there's a lot of mediocre stuff too.
Everyone's going nuts about Chobits for instance, but I thought the anime was pretty damn uneven. The manga is blowing it away based on what I've read. I'm sure some of this is just because of the CLAMP name behind it.
And there are a number of older series that I keep hoping to see. I keep my ear out to find out what wones I've been missing.
One other issue is quality. While divx stuff is pretty good. My saikano digisubs are nowhere near as nice looking as the DVD. There really is an order of magnitude difference between the two and I think people just need to see it to get that.
Posted by: gregory at December 22, 2002 04:33 AM