Maria-sama ga Miteru

Maria-sama ga Miteru (Lady Mary is Watching Over Us) has easily become one of my favorite shows of the recent season. I stumbled upon it when new episodes were coming out and stared watching knowing nothing about it. 20 minutes later I was hooked. The show takes place at the Lilian private boarding school for girls and revolves around a first year student named Yumi. One tradition on campus is that older students will take a first year as their little sister, and that is what most of the story revolves around. The show has a nice leisurely quality to it and the main character can be just so much fun to watch. The animation is also beautiful, definitely one of the more nicely animated shows I've seen. I give it two thumbs up. My only complaint about the series is that I just finished watching episode 12 and discovered it is only going to be 13 episodes.
Posted by snooze at March 30, 2004 11:34 PM
Don't Worry about the series being only 13 episodes. I've heard that a second season is in the works! I also heartilly agree with your opinion with Marimite. It's definitely not for everyone, but for the croud it's aimed at, the title really shines, and brings something refreshing to the anime table. ^^
Posted by: Dill at March 31, 2004 05:57 PM