Anime in the News
Yesterday, the New York Times had an article about some of the anime that is currently showing in the US. It's pretty good, though a little bit simplistic. The one thing I liked about it was that it was explaining a little of how these shows are different than the stereotype of what many people think anime is (Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh). The point where I feel the article falls a little flat is in its examples. While I enjoy Naruto, I think Fullmetal Alchemst might have been a better one to go into detail with. My guess is they were went with a show that was on at a watchable time.
It is nice to see some mainstream media coverage of anime that helps to show a bit of why I enjoy the method of storytelling so much.
Posted by snooze at January 16, 2006 12:17 PM
If they continue to reproduce Japanese anime at the calibre of one piece, the image of kiddyness will forever remain.
Posted by: animequotes
at March 12, 2006 09:45 PM